By Renée Biery

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How Interior Designers Can Stand Out and Declare Their Specialty with Rachael Bozsik

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What you will learn in this episode: 

  • If you’re not declaring your brand, someone else will

  • How to start promoting yourself 

  • Why asking yourself the question, “Why you?” is so important

Are you an interior designer that feels like you’re living in an oversaturated market, you’re bidding on projects, getting outbid, not being selected and chosen, and just feeling exhausted??

Then this episode is for you!! 

I am so honored to celebrate my 100th episode by having my coach with me, Rachael Bozsik. Today Rachael is sharing How Interior Designers Can Stand Out and Declare Their Specialty!

Rachael Bozsik is an International Keynote Speaker and the in-demand Elite Personal Branding Coach behind some of the nation’s most talented interior designers from LuAnn Niagara, Sandra Funk, and Kathy Kuo. From Harvard Business School to Forbes, Rachel has been recognized as a “go-to” Elite personal branding coach for luxury interior designers. With an extensive background in monetizing personal brands, women seek their strategic expertise when ready to land consistent luxury clients, exclusive press, and 7-figure partnerships. Think – being positioned as the “go-to” for luxury new builds, press in Elle Decor, paid speaking in High Point Market, and partnership with luxury architects who fill the pipeline for you. With a truly innate ability to build lucrative brands, over 40 press outlets and 30+ Universities have requested Rachel as a speaker to share her distinguished craft. 

In today’s episode, Rachael gives us detailed examples of what it’s like working with her, including helping designers through the four Ps:

  • Positioning 

  • Press

  • Paid Speaking

  • Partnerships

If you would like to know more about working with Rachael, she does only work with three women per month due to her highly personal and intensive work. You are welcome to apply to work with her on her website at: 

In today’s episode, we talk about how so many designers don’t see themselves as marketers……

We love what we do, and everyone has a special factor, and yours is designing! It’s coming up with brilliant concepts, it’s being solution-focused, and it’s hard to be doing it all. Rachael shares how her special factor or even God-given gift is to look at a woman and say, “Here’s how I can help monetize you and help figure out how to monetize what you do so that you can support your family and do the work you want to do.”  

People don’t pay top dollar for general experts,” Rachael says. 

So what does she mean by that? Typically, what’s happening is she is seeing women new or seasoned in the industry positioning themselves as a general expert. What she means by that is saying, “Hey, I do design. Hey, I do luxury design. Hey, I do luxury construction.” That’s the same as everyone else. 

The question becomes, why you?

And that is her favorite part of her job is looking at a woman and asking how they can take her from a General Practitioner to a Specialized Surgeon. 

A specialized surgeon is where people will pay an arm and a leg, where your best referrals come from, as well as client trust. So, in short, she helps her client niche down to specialized surgery because you’re living in an oversaturated market – everybody and anybody can be entrepreneurs right now, which is incredible and empowering, but also overwhelming when you’re competing or trying to get the job. And remember, people don’t pay top dollar for general experts.

So the question again becomes, why you? And most people don’t know the answer to that! But most women are actually sitting on something that they are an expert in but haven’t labeled themselves as such. And that can make all the difference in that one action. 

It is going to be very challenging if you don’t niche down.

If you’re not declaring your brand, someone else will. 

If you are getting referrals that aren’t a good fit for you, then you are not declaring your brand. 

So, what if you’re looking at 2023, and your pipeline isn’t full? Rachel covers this question with a great example of how she helped one of her clients and how you can start getting your pipeline full as well for 2023. But most importantly, don’t just sit and wait it out. That’s never a good move. Also, don’t panic and start to take things that aren’t in alignment with your brand. 

Something else Rachael tells her clients is that If people don’t know you, they don’t trust you. But guess what they do trust? They trust you declaring yourself an expert,  media outlets, and third-party validation. In today’s episode, Rachael shares how each can change your business and get to her method of fewer clients/higher fees. 

We also talk about whether you should take projects on if a potential client isn’t willing to pay your fee, what it looks like to have guardrails around your business, social media, and she is giving you three quick things you can start doing right away to start promoting yourself, combat self-doubt, and more!

This episode is full of value, so grab your paper and pen and be ready to take notes! Enjoy!

You can find out more about Rachael and apply to work with her at: 

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