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I didn’t realize it at the time how lucky I was to have learned the ropes in design firms. There were other designers, from senior designers to project designers to junior designers, cad designers, bookkeepers, and sometimes architects were in the office and project managers – all of them I could learn from and ask questions about the business, and I did.
If I didn’t know how to handle something, there was always someone nearby who did and was more than willing to share their knowledge with me. And frankly, that’s one of the reasons I have this podcast and online content. I don’t have a firm, I don’t plan to have a firm and this is my way of paying forward the lessons I was given so early in my career.
This also extended into construction sites.
I was the low man on the totem pole, often the one toting the bag, holding the clipboard and just absorbing. So it was super easy for me to ask a contractor what they were doing, and they weren’t intimidated by it, they knew I was just simply interested in what was going on. So I learned an inordinate amount just by showing interest in what was happening on the job sites I was privileged enough to go to with the designers I worked with.
But here’s the thing, when you go out on your own, as I did, especially in construction, that dynamic shifts entirely.
Suddenly, you are the business, and every decision, every problem, and every challenge lands squarely on you.
When that’s the case, the ability to bounce ideas off of someone else, someone who understands even a fraction of the complexities of what we can can be the difference between thriving and just getting by.
Running a design business isn’t just about picking finishes and creating beautiful spaces. That is huge part of what we do, but it doesn’t come into consideration like when we are managing construction projects. That is all about problem-solving budgeting, managing expectations, and handling the inevitable curve balls that come with every single project.
Having someone to offer a different perspective or even just listen when you need to vent, can make all the difference in the world.
Without that, every decision can feel heavier. The mental exhaustion of constantly second-guessing yourself is truly overwhelming.
Who understands not just the design work, but the dynamics that you are knee deep in whether it’s what’s going on on job sites or contractor relationships and those challenges that come with managing very complex builds.
Having a network of designers who navigate these same issues can help you find solutions faster, avoid costly mistakes, and gain the confidence to stand your ground when necessary.
What I didn’t realize early on my career was that those conversations I was having in my office or on the projects weren’t just making me feel better – and they did don’t get me wrong. But they were making me better at my job.
Every time shared a frustration or sought advice I was learning, I was refining how I handled difficult conversations, how I managed expectations and how I structured my processes to avoid repeating past mistakes. It is so clear that when you talk through a problem with someone who has been in your shoes, you gain insights you wouldn’t have discovered on your own. It’s not just about emotional support, which we all need. It’s also about growth, efficiency, and building the skills that make you stronger and a far more confident designer.
What I am learning is how much isolation stunts your growth. When you’re isolated, you’re not just missing out on the camaraderie, which, by the way, is a huge bonus, but you’re limiting your own potential, because, let’s be honest, you don’t know what you don’t know.
Someone may have already figured out the exact problem you’re struggling with, or you’re missing out on time saving solutiosnn, whether it’s a vendor who makes your life easier or an new way to manage client expectations. Others in the industry are a wealth of knowledge.
Also, by being isolated it can absolutely hit your profitability. What harms profitability? Mistakes. Inefficiencies. Or trying to reinvent the wheel every time you start a new project. All of that costs you money. But ultimately, being isolated keeps you stuck.
It is hard to have the confidence to raise your rates, take on a bigger project, etc if you are isolated because that confidence comes from hearing others who’ve done it successfully and better yet, how they’ve done it.
Not just from the women I’ve worked with in New York City, but from my design school friends. This podcast is absolutely intended to be a support system. But here’s the thing – this is still a one way relationship. You are listening to me on your own. I am sitting in my son’s bedroom, recording, on my own. As much as I love sharing these conversations with you, I also know that true support, you know the kind that moves your business forward, needs to be interactive. That’s why when I built my course, I knew that community had to be a part of the curriculum.
I want each and every one of you to work hard at not feeling isolated, at building a support network that gets the construction aspect of our business, that can truly dig in and help you at any time for any reason. Feeling isolated, overwhelmed, or like you’re figuring everything out the hard way is costing you. Whether that is in relationships, time, stress, or money – all of that can be avoided if you have people you can lean on who are willing to give you that information and lift you back up. You need a network of like-minded professionals. It is not a luxury to have this. It is absolutely a necessity.
Go find your people. Building that network will be one of the smartest investments you could ever make in your business.
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