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Featured on the Show:
What you will learn from this episode:
An introduction to me and my history in deisgn
What I learned from starting a podcast
The inspiration to create my courses, Only Girl On The Jobsite Course & Only Girl On The Jobsite Designer Edition
There are so many new listeners, that I truly am humbled. I would quite frankly love to hear how you came across this podcast!
I want to say again, you are always able to reach out to me. The email you find at devignierdesign.com, that is my email address. That does not go to any team member or my online business manager – it goes to me. I am truly, genuinely interested in what you are working on and what compelled you to listen to this content! Did it help or, did it leave you wanting more?
In today’s episode, I am taking you back to how I became The Only Girl On The Jobsite, my education in Interior Design, the women I worked with and the work I was fortunate enough to do in New York City. When I look back now to some of the projects that I led, it’s just mind-numbing – the scope and scale of work, and the no budget, it really was an amazing time to be practicing interior design in New York City.
But most importantly for me, the women I worked for managed interior construction.
Our clients would be living in an apartment, buy the apartment below them, or above them, or left or right. And our team was hired to merge two apartments. And of course, there would be two kitchens or too many bathrooms that weren’t needed. Our job would be to design the apartments to merge together successfully.
It wasn’t until I moved out of the city that I realized what I was doing was a subsection of the industry. Most of the women I came across after moving out of the city, were doing more decorating than construction.
I found that even after leaving I naturally gravitated towards firms that continued to do construction work. I found it’s really what I enjoyed working on the most.
When I started my own firm, DeVignier Design, I maintained that same workload.
After the pandemic hit my job kept going, but there was so much more time spent at my computer or at home I just felt there was another way to convey my knowledge with other people besides my immediate and personal client base.
The more people that started listening and reaching out, the more this became an unbelievable and unexpected thrill.
My goal originally was to help homeowners, but as I share in today’s episode, designers started listening and reaching out as well.
They started asking me specific questions that designers were looking for and couldn’t find anywhere else. They show up week after week, and they are interested in learning, and not just listening.
This whole experience has been amazing for me. From starting the podcast to creating the courses, building the community, and the friendships that I have made.
Thank you so much for listening! I have so much more amazing content to come.
Please reach out to me with any questions, wins, or how you found this podcast! I’d love to hear from you!
Like this Episode?
Be sure to check out Episode #21: Discovering My Past – How I Became the Designer I Am Today
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