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What you will learn from this episode:
Steps to take to avoid overwhelm on renovation projects
How to stay the course when fatigue sets in
Knowing your why and how that will keep you on track
There’s no getting around that. But it helps to know how to manage the stress and fatigue that you will most likely experience during a project. In this episode, I want to share a few tips and tricks to help you stay on course and get through the stress and overwhelm with your sanity intact.
Sure, it’s exciting to put together mood boards with pretty pictures from Pinterest, but it’s also important to set goals and focus on your ‘why’. And everyone’s why will be different and specific to them.
Let’s start with setting goals. Ask yourself, “What are my goals for this project?”
As a homeowner, your goal might be to make the room you are currently renovating more family-friendly.
As an interior designer, your goals are probably different. They most likely focus on expanding your existing offerings.
Now, it’s great to have a goal, but you also need to know WHY you have that goal. There will be days or even weeks when you feel like everything is going wrong and the project will never end. But eventually, things will get better. It helps to keep going back to your goals and your ‘why’ to get you through the tough parts.
In a previous episode, I discussed the four emotional stages that you will go through on a renovation project. I still believe this is true today. It’s beneficial to be prepared for these stages whenever you are starting any new project. It doesn’t make them go away, but it will make them less painful.
Just remember, all projects do come to an end.
Even now through this crazy pandemic and all of the delays and supply chain issues, they will eventually end. And when they do, I want you to be able to enjoy the final product.
I’d love to hear which of these tips were the most helpful for you. You can always DM me on Instagram @devignierdesign.
Send me an email at renee@devignierdesign.com if you have an idea for a catchy name for my new Friday email series coming out soon. And don’t forget to sign up for my email list. You can find the signup form on my website www.devignierdesign.com.
Like this Episode?
Be sure to check out Episode #6: The Four Emotional Stages of a Renovation Project
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