By Renée Biery

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What you will learn from this episode: 

  • The importance of project management during this unprecedented time

  • Things to think about before taking on your next project

  • How to set and maintain expectations for clients and contractors during these delays

In today’s episode, I wanted to talk about the importance of project management.

Before the pandemic, I used to be good at predicting when a project was about to wrap up. It’s usually pretty predictable. But now, all bets are off. And honestly, that’s what I am telling my clients.

I want you to think about how you will handle the next project that comes in.

Will you tell a potential client you have a waitlist? Inform them it will be months before you can take their call? Or take the call, discuss the scope of work, then figure out when you can start the project?

These are some things I want you to have planned, in advance, before the phone call or email comes through. You need to have a system in place, especially if you have multiple people on your team. Ensuring that everyone is on the same page, telling people the same thing as each inquiry comes in.

Make sure your client knows that those “estimated” delivery dates are just estimates, and unfortunately, they keep getting pushed further ahead.

You will not only need to set expectations at the beginning but also maintain those expectations throughout each project. The best way to do that is by over-communicating. Not just with your clients, but remember to over-communicate with your contractors too. A quick note to keep them in the loop will help things run a bit smoother.

They’ll appreciate the updates, and you’ll earn a few Brownie points as well, I’m sure of it!

Even the bad news. Not sharing the bad news with your clients doesn’t make it less bad, it actually makes things worse by the time it finally comes out. So make sure to share both the good and the bad with everyone involved as soon as you hear it.

Over-communicate and maintain those expectations. It will only benefit everyone in the long run.

Don’t forget to sign up for my email newsletters. If you are a designer, please be sure to click on the box for designers, because it does include content specific to our industry. Visit and scroll to the bottom to sign up.

As always, you can reach me at or DM me on Instagram @devignierdesign if you have any questions or topics you’d like me to cover in future episodes.

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